This collection started in 2022 with the vision of one day showcasing it to the world. Making it's official Debut in Hilo during the Merrie Monarch's Hula Festival's 60th Anniversary Celebration in April 2023.

A collection of places, depictions, representations and inspirations from Hawai'i.

Much of this collection has been inspired by my time living in Hilo on Hawai'i Island and the vast array of lush greenery and special places I loved visiting. 

This special collection also was heavily inspired by two Kumu Hula, Leimomi Ho and the late Rae Fonseca. They not only taught me Hula but life lessons and how to evolve from the heart. How to care for and nurture what was taught to you, never forget who you are and where you came from and to be the best person you can be, always living life to the fullest and never taking things for granted. Do what you love to do, share because you want to and treat others as you would want to be treated. I hold these lessons of life close to my heart and when things go array I reflect back on these teachings to become grounded and centered once again.

I currently live on the island of Maui, however I still and will always call Hilo my hometown as it has truly made me who I am today and for this I am forever grateful.

I named this collection to express what was not only taught to me but we should ALL be doing is to LIVE ALOHA!.

I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I enjoyed creating it and bringing it to life.

To see the entire collection click the 2023 LIVE ALOHA COLLECTION tab on the home page and you will see the drop down menu of the categories.
